The Chills at Will Podcast is a celebration of the visceral beauty of literature. This beauty will be examined through close reads of phrases and lines and passages from fiction and nonfiction that thrills the reader, so much so that he wants to read again and again to replicate that thrill. Each episode will focus on a different theme, such as "The Power of Flashback," "Understatement," "Cats in the Cradle," and "Chills at Will: Origin Story."

Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Episode 109 Notes and Links to Ben Guest’s Work
On Episode 109 of The Chills at Will Podcast, Pete welcomes Ben Guest, and the two discuss shared teaching histories, a love of great literature, including sportswriting, and Ben’s early days of coaching and the lessons learned therein. The two also discuss, among other topics, the importance of zen and relationship building in Ben’s coaching life and everyday life, as well as his book that chronicles some amazing times and players from the Namibian high school basketball world and the KBA, its professional basketball league.
Ben Guest is a three-time champion and two-time Basketball Coach of the Year, with a PHD in Educational Leadership. He spent ten years in Namibia where he coached in the KBA, and he wrote the book Zen and the Art of Coaching Basketball: Memoir of a Namibian Odyssey.
Buy Ben Guest's Zen and the Art of Coaching Basketball: Memoir of a Namibian Odyssey
The Creativity, Education, and Leadership Podcast
Article on Namibian Independence and Apartheid in the Country Imposed by South Africa
At about 2:20, Pete introduces Ben Guest, after an unusual start for the podcast, with Pete and Ben talking about the similarities between being a high school teacher and a traveling salesman
At about 3:20, Pete talks about a friend’s incredible devotion to leaving schoolwork at school
At about 4:10, Ben details his grading regimen from his high school teaching days
At about 5:15, Ben responds to Pete’s questions about his childhood love of reading and highlights inspirational teachers John Roemer and Howard Berkowitz)
At about 7:10, Ben talks about his early love for Stephen King and other fantasy and horror and comic books that drew his interest
At about 10:15, Pete posits that Ben’s relatively-late embrace of basketball is a large reason for his passion, and Ben responds and talks about his early days of shooting
At about 12:20, Ben gives his scouting report from his prime basketball-playing days
At about 14:20, Ben disabuses any notion of regular Joes like Pete and Ben getting a bucket in NBA “garbage time,” using the example of Perry Moss, and Pete shouts out Isaac Fontaine as a similar case
At about 17:10, Ben shouts out Brian Scalabrine being challenged for his skills-the video is classic; at about 18:00, Ben highlights a great quote from “Dre” Alvarez of Box Score Geeks Podcast
At about 19:20, Ben responds to Pete’s question about sportswriters who have inspired him-Gary Smith is one, and Best American Sportswriting, edited by Glenn Stout, is cited as a formative anthology, and Ben relates how he can to have Glenn Stout as the editor for his book
At about 22:30, Ben talks about Hakeem Olajuwon as an inspiration
At about 23:30, Pete and Ben discuss a short
At about 24:40, Ben describes his time coaching basketball in Mississippi, and Pete and Ben talk about coaching styles-specifically coaches known as yellers and Ben talks about his early understandings of “control”
At about 28:00, Ben discusses the importance of relationships and self-growth in coaching and life overall
At about 29:35, Ben outlines the background of and seeds for Zen and the Art of Coaching Basketball
At about 32:35, Ben shares meaningful feedback that he has received from readers, and he details the breakdown of the book’s format
At about 35:30, Pete and Ben break down the epigraph of the book and the book’s first chapter
At about 36:45, Ben provides background on his early coaching days, lessons learned, and how his first team in Namibia came together
At about 37:50, Ben quotes Mr. Berkowitz with some great coaching/teaching/life advice
At about 39:15, Ben gives historical background on Namibia and its “locations” (neighborhoods), as well as continuing traumas
At about 41:50, Ben highlights his education in Namibia of how Americans are seen abroad and the country’s horrendous past alliances with racist governments and power structures
At about 44:30, Pete highlights lessons learned by Ben in using a “less is more” approach in MS coaching, and why he didn’t continue using this approach after having a one game success
At about 46:30, Ben mentions his podcast, and how this helped him get in touch via email with Phil Jackson
At about 48:20, Ben details his journey with meditation and how it has helped him
At about 49:10, Ben teases an upcoming project with a retired NBA player
At about 51:00, Pete shouts out a coaching mentor, and compliments Ben’s even keel, leading to a description of a stunning Brad Stevens’ moment of zen
At about 51:50, Pete and Ben discuss the historic KBA victory
At about 53:40, Pete discusses the investment that the reader makes with the players in the book
At about 54:00, Ben shouts out his Substack, and where to buy the book
You can now subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and leave me a five-star review. You can also ask for the podcast by name using Alexa, and find the pod on Stitcher, Spotify, and on Amazon Music. Follow me on IG, where I’m @chillsatwillpodcast, or on Twitter, where I’m @chillsatwillpo1. You can watch other episodes on YouTube-watch and subscribe to The Chills at Will Podcast Channel. Please subscribe to both my YouTube Channel and my podcast while you’re checking out this episode.
This is a passion project of mine, a DIY operation, and I’d love for your help in promoting what I’m convinced is a unique and spirited look at an often-ignored art form.
The intro song for The Chills at Will Podcast is “Wind Down” (Instrumental Version), and the other song played on this episode was “Hoops” (Instrumental)” by Matt Weidauer, and both songs are used through ArchesAudio.com.
Please tune in for Episode 110 with Bryce Hedstrom, El Padrino of Comprehensible Input in the foreign language classroom, and widely recognized as an outstanding world language teacher with more than 25 years of experience at all levels. A frequent regional, state and national presenter, he is known for helping world language teachers to enhance their existing programs by incorporating many strategies that emphasize social awareness, interpersonal communication and varied reading techniques in the classroom. The episode will air on March 15.
This episode is the first of five this week. On Monday, March 21, there will be a drawing for a $100 gift card to bookshop.org. In order to enter the drawing:
- DM Pete on Twitter by Monday at 8am PST with the five code words that are contained (one per episode) within each day’s podcast.
- Retweet any five tweets that have episode links for Episodes 109-113, with Ben Guest, Bryce Hedstrom, Taylor Byas, James Tate Hill, and Nicole Santa Cruz, respectively.

Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Episode 108 Notes and Links to Navdeep Dhillon’s Work
On Episode 108 of The Chills at Will Podcast, Pete welcomes Navdeep Dhillon, and the two discuss Navdeep’s childhood filled with moving, his love of reading, fan fiction, and his disparate influences, as well as his dynamic and eccentric and memorable characters. Questions about his standout book, Sunny G’s Series of Rash Decisions, lead to discussions of the book’s themes, including self-esteem and fitting in, cosplay as escape and a welcoming home, grief and its expression, or lack thereof, and much more.
Navdeep Singh Dhillon is the author of Sunny G’s Series of Rash Decisions, an adjunct professor of creative writing and English at Borough of Manhattan Community College, and co-founder of IshqInABackpack, a narrative travel blog. He holds an MFA in creative writing from California State University, Fresno and is a graduate of Voices of Our Nation and the CUNY Writers’ Institute.
Born in England, raised in Tanzania, Nigeria, Dubai, and Fresno, California, he is a Punjabi boy at heart. He was a former linguist in the U.S. Navy, ESL teacher in China, and door-to-door knife salesman.
When he isn’t reading, writing or grading, he is cosplaying across the fandoms with his two nerdy kiddos, while his wife looks on helplessly. He is also a very delicate purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Buy Navdeep Dhillon's Sunny G's Series of Rash Decisions
At about 2:00, Navdeep talks about his book’s publication being on the horizon (the episode was recorded on February 7, and the book was released on February 8), along with his feelings as the date approaches and work he’ll be doing to promote the book
At about 5:40, Navdeep responds to Pete’s questions about any links between his moving around a lot as a kid and his reading habits
At about 9:10, Pete wonders about the connections between Navdeep’s childhood, the need for stability, and Sunny G’s own experiences
At about 10:40, Pete and Navdeep appreciate the Acknowledgments of the book as the two discuss the cutoff between the writer and the narrator
At about 11:45, Pete asks Navdeep about his experiences with representation in adolescent reading; Navdeep talks about being a “third culture kid”
At about 13:45, Navdeep describes ideas of “windows and mirrors” in childhood reading
At about 14:20, Pete asks about early reading and writing influences and how he got his start writing for keeps-Navdeep points out fan fiction as a starting point
At about 15:55, Pete wonders about how Navdeep saw the stakes of his writing as he did various jobs
At about 17:05, Navdeep charts some ups and downs in his love/distaste for reading and its connections to the “canon”
At about 18:50, Navdeep highlights the power of his reading Syal’s Anita and Me
At about 20:40, Navdeep responds to Pete’s question about contemporary writers who thrill him, including Sona Charaipotra and Adiba Jaigirdar
At about 23:30, the two shout out Sona and Dhonielle Clayton-what a duo!
At about 24:20, Navdeep talks about Ishq in a Backpack
At about 26:25, Navdeep talks about his teaching informs his own writing and his experience with community college creative writing
At about 30:15, Navdeep describes the world of his book, and Pete talks about the book’s universality and specificity
At about 31:35-32:35, Navdeep summarizes the book, Sunny G’s Series of Rash Decisions
At about 32:45, Pete asks Navdeep about publishing and middle-grade/YA, etc., as Navdeep describes some of the themes
At about 35:30, Navdeep details the process of writing the book and ideas of grounding the book’s events and environment in reality, trends, etc.
At about 38:15, Navdeep talks about his love of the “dated” Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist
At about 38:55-40:10, Navdeep defines “nerd”
At about 40:10, the two discuss “nerdom going mainstream”
At about 40:55, Pete compliments Navdeep’s worldbuilding and some original and clever phrases and references used in the book
At about 44:00, Navdeep talks about Bollywood and sci-fi influences in his worldbuilding
At about 46:30, Pete references true fandom as seen through The Simpsons
At about 46:55, Pete highlights the longest word in the world
At about 47:40, Pete gives kudos for a great line from the book
At about 49:20, Cosplay is discussed and the idea of “putting on a mask” and its symbolism in the book is explored
At about 52:50, the two discuss ideas of coming-of-age and reinvention
At about 55:00, ideas of grief and the ways in which Sunny’s family deals with grief are discussed
At about 56:00, the two discuss “What will people think?” ("log kya kahenge") as referenced in the book, just as it is in an equally stirring scene in Hasan Minhaj’s Homecoming King that informed lessons in Pete’s classrooms;
At about 58:00, Navdeep discusses ideas of silences and their iterations in Punjabi and other communities
At about 1:01:35, Pete and Navdeep discuss the dynamic, fun character of Mindii and some of what inspired her character
At about 1:04:00, Navdeep talks about literary components that he could relate to in his own life with the histories of Hmong poetry
At about 1:05:30, Pete recounts some chilling and powerful lines from Sunny, particularly in talking about his grieving
At about 1:06:25, Pete highlights the dynamic dialogue and interesting and cool characters with so many personal stories
At about 1:08:10, Navdeep describes a future project
At about 1:08:55, Navdeep reads an excerpt from the book
At about 1:13:20, Navdeep gives out his social media information and highlights Penguin Teen/Dial as his publisher
You can now subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and leave me a five-star review. You can also ask for the podcast by name using Alexa, and find the pod on Stitcher, Spotify, and on Amazon Music. Follow me on IG, where I’m @chillsatwillpodcast, or on Twitter, where I’m @chillsatwillpo1. You can watch other episodes on YouTube-watch and subscribe to The Chills at Will Podcast Channel. Please subscribe to both my YouTube Channel and my podcast while you’re checking out this episode.
This is a passion project of mine, a DIY operation, and I’d love for your help in promoting what I’m convinced is a unique and spirited look at an often-ignored art form.
Please tune in for Episode 109 with Ben Guest, a 3x champion and two-time Basketball Coach of the Year, with a PHD in Educational Leadership, Ben spent ten years in Namibia where he coached in the KBA, and wrote the book Zen and the Art of Coaching Basketball: Memoir of a Namibian Odyssey. The episode will air on March 14.
The intro song for The Chills at Will Podcast is “Wind Down” (Instrumental Version), and the other song played on this episode was “Hoops” (Instrumental)” by Matt Weidauer, and both songs are used through ArchesAudio.com.

Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Episode 107 Notes and Links to Dr. Benjamin Gilmer’s Work
On this episode of The Chills at Will Podcast, Pete welcomes Dr. Benjamin Gilmer, and the two discuss, among other topics, Dr.’s early days at the rural Mountain Area Health Education Center, his directly following Dr. Vince Gilmer, and the ways in which Dr. Benjamin Gilmer got to know Dr. Vince’s story and generous medical work, and then Dr. Vince himself. The conversation includes discussion of the newly-released book, the neurological disease that Dr. Vince discovered he had, and the specific implications for his case and society’s understanding and treatment of mental health’s connection to incarceration.
Dr. Benjamin Gilmer is a family physician and Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine and Mountain Area Health Education Center’s (MAHEC) Family Medicine Residency Program. He is an international Albert Schweitzer Fellow and attended Davidson College followed by medical studies at the Sorbonne in Paris, France and East Carolina University. As the Medical Director for MAHEC’s Rural Health Initiative and Rural Fellowship, he is passionate about advocating for global and rural health disparities. He has worked extensively in Central and South America and West Africa. Benjamin is committed to advancing medical education, point of care ultrasound, interprofessional collaboration and inspiring students to pursue rural health.
His advocacy work currently focuses on bringing media attention to the social injustice of mass incarceration. His book, The Other Dr. Gilmer (Ballantine/Penguin Random House) and feature film project (Concordia Films) both highlight the injustice of mass incarceration of people with mental illness. The book is out as of March 1! Both projects are based on a 2013 This American Life podcast (Dr. Gilmer and Mr. Hyde), a collaboration between Benjamin and Sarah Koenig (“Serial”) which has had more than 10 million listeners. A former neurobiologist turned rural family doctor, Dr. Gilmer has lectured across the country about medical ethics, global and rural health, bias in medicine, and the intersection of medicine and social justice. He lives with his wife, Deirdre, two children, Kai and Luya, and their dog Prince Peanut Butter in Asheville, North Carolina.
Penguin Random House Page for The Other Dr. Gilmer
Hollywood Reporter Article about Movie Adaption of The Other Dr. Gilmer
The legendary This American Life episode, “Dr. Gilmer and Mr. Hyde” (10+ million downloads to date!)
At about 3:10, Dr. Gilmer responds to Pete’s questions about his parents’ and family influences on intellectual curiosity
At about 4:30, Pete asks Dr. Gilmer about early reading experiences and childhood exploration
At about 6:20, Dr. Gilmer describes the outsized impact of Dr. Albert Schweitzer and speaks of some of his own work in Gabon; Pete and Dr. Guilmer also speak of the late, great Dr. Paul Farmer
At about 8:50, Pete and Dr. Gilmer talk about corporatization/for-profit medicine, and Dr. Gilmer talks about service-oriented medicine as experienced in Gabon; he also discusses a symbolic anecdote of the “throne” being shared by a town leader in Gabon
At about 13:20, Dr. Benjamin talks about his time-his “baptism in medicine”-at Broughton Hospital as an instructive and inspiring time
At about 15:25, Pete and Dr. Benjamin discuss the ACE testing and tests for gauging sociopathy
At about 16:45, Pete references Ira Glass’ understated, stunning beginning of the legendary This American Life episode, “Dr. Gilmer and Mr. Hyde”
At about 17:30, Dr. Gilmer talks about starting work at the clinic (MAHEC Family Health Center at Cane Creek) as an “outsider” and almost not being hired due to the fact that his name was the same as his imprisoned predecessor
At about 19:25, Pete and Dr. Gilmer reference a humorous and inauspicious anecdote about suspicions of modern medicine that is told in the book
At about 21:15, Dr. Gilmer gives some background on Fletcher, NC, where the clinic is located
At about 22:40, Dr. Gilmer discusses the clinic’s patients’ views and stories of Dr. Vince Gilmer’s generosity and kindness, including an allegorical incident involving caring for mice, and how these stories being in opposition to the crimes that Dr. Vince committed, and how Dr. Benjamin was inspired “to look further” into
At about 25:10, Dr. Benjamin recounts a story of a patient shaking him up and making him “paranoid” about Dr. Vince seeing him as a “usurper”
At about 28:55, Dr. Benjamin talks about Tommy, a recipient of generosity from Dr. Vince, and how Dr. Vince’s traumatic childhood and evolving disease led to “effusive generosity”
At about 31:00, Dr. Benjamin highlights Woody Guthrie’s experience with a similar disease
At about 32:40, Dr. Benjamin and Pete discuss the parts of the book where the doctor had done research into the specifics of Dr. Vince’s crime, and the delusion that led to baffling and strange actions in the immediate aftermath of the murder; Dr. Benjamin also cites the brain “as a character” in the book and how Dr. Vince’s background of abuse served as a trigger
At about 35:40, Dr. Benjamin talks about sensitizing readers/listeners to the fallibility of the brain and how we all share mental health imbalances/struggles
At about 38:00, Dr. Benjamin talks about the “coin toss” of brian health and his connection to Dr. Vince
At about 40:00, the two discuss the precedent in the legal world for SSRI-related crimes, and Dr. Benjamin talks about his initial “no” to inquiries from Sarah Koenig re: doing an episode for “This American Life”
At about 42:20, Dr. Benjamin drops some “WOAH!” information about the connection between his NPR episode and the legendary “Serial”
At about 42:50, the two discuss some early interviews that Dr. Benjamin and Sarah Koenig did with local residents and law enforcement after Dr. Vince’s crime
At about 43:50, Dr. Benjamin talks about “preconceptions” and their impact in the Dr. Vince case and in society in general; he also talks about how he hopes the book allows more room for
At about 45:25, Dr. Benjamin describes his first meeting with Dr. Vince and how his own doubts and biases came into play
At about 49:00, Dr. Benjamin recounts the “farcical” nature of Dr. Vince’s court case
At about 51:20, Dr. Benjamin talks about Dr. Vince’s court case as representative of problems with the country’s carceral, legal, and medical systems
At about 52:40, Pete cites an example from the This American Life episode of questions asked by Dr. Vince backfiring spectacularly at trial
At about 53:20, the two discuss intergenerational abuse and its cycles, particularly with regards to sexual and physical violence done to Dr. Vince and his sister
At about 54:00, Pete and Dr. Benjamin muse on culpability with regards to Dalton Gilmer, Dr. Vince’s father
At about 56:45, Dr. Benjamin reflects on ideas of “reverence for life,” a philosophy of looking at victims and victimizers
At about 58:50, Dr. Benjamin and Pete give some staggering statistics about the connections between prisoners and mental health
At about 59:45, Dr. Benjamin highlights the heroic contributions of Dr. Steve and Dr. Colin Angliker in small and big ways
At about 1:01:20, Dr. Benjamin answers Pete’s question about what brought a sense of calm to Dr. Vince, even when receiving word of his degenerative health condition
At about 1:03:10, Dr. Benjamin talks about Dr. Vince’s disease as not “the whole picture,” but just part of a larger mental health puzzle
At about 1:03:55, Pete and Dr. talk about the Gilmer family expanding to include Dr. Vince
At about 1:04:40, Dr. Benjamin shares his hopes about what the book can do, has done, and will do
At about 1:07:20, Dr. Benjamin talks about reframing the ways in which we treat prisoners
At about 1:08:25, Pete discusses the changes that have come through reading this book
At about 1:09:20, Dr. Benjamin responds to Pete’s question about how to get involved in similar advocacy groups, and he talks about ways in which people can help in big and small ways and in learning about incredible organizations like Bryan Stevenson’s Equal Justice Initiative, The Innocence Project, Marshall’s Project
At about 1:11:20, Dr. Benjamin and Pete talk about where to buy the book and the early roll-out of the book; Malaprop’s in Asheville is shouted out as a great bookstore to buy The Other Dr. Gilmer
At about 1:11:50, Dr. Benjamin talks about the collaboration with Jennifer Fox and Concordia with Dr. writing the book and Jennifer writing the upcoming film
You can now subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and leave me a five-star review. You can also ask for the podcast by name using Alexa, and find the pod on Stitcher, Spotify, and on Amazon Music. Follow me on IG, where I’m @chillsatwillpodcast, or on Twitter, where I’m @chillsatwillpo1. You can watch other episodes on YouTube-watch and subscribe to The Chills at Will Podcast Channel. Please subscribe to both my YouTube Channel and my podcast while you’re checking out this episode.
This is a passion project of mine, a DIY operation, and I’d love for your help in promoting what I’m convinced is a unique and spirited look at an often-ignored art form.
The intro song for The Chills at Will Podcast is “Wind Down” (Instrumental Version), and the other song played on this episode was “Hoops” (Instrumental)” by Matt Weidauer, and both songs are used through ArchesAudio.com.
Please tune in for Episode 108 with Navdeep Singh Dhillon, the author of Sunny G’s Series of Rash Decisions, an adjunct professor of creative writing and English at Borough of Manhattan Community College, and co-founder of IshqInABackpack (Ish-k), a narrative travel blog. The episode will air on March 8.

Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Episode 106 Notes and Links to Daniel Olivas’ Work
On Episode 106 of The Chills at Will Podcast, Pete welcomes Daniel Olivas, and the two talk about…well, everything. They discuss, among other things, Daniel’s childhood in Los Angeles, pochismo, formative and unforgettable reads, his family’s stories, his work as a lawyer and his myriad writing and genres, the difference between fiction and nonfiction with regard to truth, as well as his just-released short story collection.
Daniel A. Olivas is the author of ten books and editor of two anthologies. His books include How to Date a Flying Mexican: New and Collected Stories (University of Nevada Press, 2022), The King of Lighting Fixtures: Stories (University of Arizona Press, 2017), Crossing the Border: Collected Poems (Pact Press, 2017), and Things We Do Not Talk About: Exploring Latino/a Literature through Essays and Interviews (San Diego State University Press, 2014).
Daniel's plays have been produced for the stage and readings by Playwrights' Arena, Circle X Theatre Company, and The Road Theatre Company.
Widely anthologized, Daniel has written for many publications including the New York Times, The Guardian, El Paso Times, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Review of Books, Huffington Post, High Country News, La Bloga, BOMB, and the Jewish Journal.
Buy Daniel Olivas' How to Date a Flying Mexican
Daniel Olivas’ Page at Los Angeles Review of Books
Waiting for Godinez Play Information and Praise
"Turning the Page"-Daniel's beautiful tribute to his father from Stanford Magazine
At about 2:50, Daniel gives his family background, including his father’s experiences with writing and education, as well as Daniel’s schooling and educational experiences
At about 10:10, Daniel responds to Pete’s questions about writing and artistic influences for Daniel’s father
At about 11:40, Daniel talks about bilingualism in his family and a meaningful comment from his mother about his writing
At about 16:30, Daniel talks about family roots in Ocotlán, Jalisco, and its influence on his writing
At about 17:40, Daniel highlights his fictionalized city of Dos Cuentos and the ways in which he uses the city in his work
At about 18:50, Daniel talks about early reviews of his story collection and the ways in which they often add “trigger warnings” and what those warnings reinforce for him
At about 19:40, Pete asks Daniel about John Fante and Daniel talks about Fante as a great chronicler of the immigrant experiences
At about 21:45, Pete and Daniel talk about shared roots in Jesuit high schools and Daniel gives background on connections to Father Greg Boyle
At about 23:30, Daniel responds to Pete’s questions about important texts that Daniel gravitated to, as Daniel talks about how long it took him to think about writing himself and being inspired by Juan Rulfo, Sandra Cisneros, and Rivera’s And the Earth Did Not Devour Him, and laments missing taking a class with José Antonio Burciaga
At about 26:00, Pete and Daniel fanboy over Villarreal’s Pocho, and Daniel talks about the evolving meanings of “pocho”
At about 29:40, Daniel talks about “shaming” over the ways that Mexican Catholic customs were manifested
At about 32:25, shout out to Pete’s beloved uncle
At about 33:30, Pete wonders about turning points in Daniel’s route to becoming a professional writer, including early publication with The Stanford Chaparral, and unfortunate grief bringing inspiration through his first novel dealing with joy and pain
At about 40:30, Daniel details the publication of Assumption and Other Stories with Bilingual Press
At about 41:15, Daniel talks about how his career trajectory and writing style may differ from what his work would have been like had he gone the MFA route; he also quotes Stewart Dybek
At about 43:00, Daniel talks about keeping his work fresh
At about 44:30, Daniel references an article he wrote for The Guardian upon the publication of American Dirt, as well as a telling quote from Luis Alberto Urrea
At about 45:40, Daniel references two story from the recent collection that highlight the Trump years
At about 47:15, Daniel responds to Pete’s slight misunderstanding about the differences in writing for law and for fiction
At about 50:25, Pete wonders if Daniel can point out any renderings of the law that have rung true for him
At about 53:50, Pete references a chilling Law & Order episode, and Daniel talks about parallels to Trump and the events of recent years
At about 58:50, Daniel talks about how he chose the stories for his latest collection and his mindset in choosing “old” and newer stories
At about 1:01:05, Daniel talks about reading his work spanning so many years and judging any “evolution” in his writing
At about 1:02:00, Daniel asks Pete his thoughts on whether Daniel’s work reads as similar throughout the years
At about 1:04:30, Daniel references “Later Days,” an early “cynical” story of his curated by Bruce Handy
At about 1:07:30, Daniel recollects some interesting childhood reading and Daniel talks about the reading connection to his later writing
At about 1:08:25, Pete points out connections between the reading histories of Tod Goldberg and Daniel
At about 1:08:55, Daniel talks about the short story collection and its dedication and connections to Luis Alberto Urrea’s Hummingbird’s Daughter
At about 1:11:20, Daniel talks about an upcoming article for Alta Journal discussing Natalie Diaz’s “Postcolonial Love Poem”
At about 1:12:20, Daniel says he’ll accept any comparisons to Franz Kafka or Garcia Marquez, and talks about Dagoberto Gilb, A Parrot in the Oven by Victor Martinez, Borges, Yxta Maya Murray, and others as inspirations
At about 1:15:25, Daniel makes a comparison between his work (especially with short stories) and the life of a character actor
At about 1:17:20, Pete shouts out an incredible piece by Borges- “The Gospel According to Mark”
At about 1:21:45, Daniel talks about storylines in his writing and ideas of morality
At about 1:24:20, Daniel explains “political writing” that is overtly not political
At about 1:25:05, Pete makes parallels between Toni Morrison’s one short story’s headlines
At about 1:27:00, Pete highlights the skillful magical realism of the title short story, and Daniel explains the balance between the two parts of the phrase
At about 1:31:00, Pete and Daniel discuss themes of agency for women, with Conchita as an example
At about 1:34:00, Pete highlights a skillful line in the title story, and Daniel responds to Pete’s questions about using second person and present tense
At about 1:36:15, Daniel discusses the importance of prioritizing the title before getting into the story’s nuts and bolts
At about 1:38:25, Pete and Daniel discuss minimalism and dichos in Daniel’s writing
At about 1:45:00, Pete shouts out “Belen” as possibly his favorite story and compares Belen’s situation to that of the the narrator in Antonya Nelson’s “In the Land of Men”
At about 1:47:00, Pete asks about the cool names used in the collection
At about 1:49:40, Quezatcoatl is discussed as featured in the short story collection
At about 1:51:20, Pete asks Daniel about a hilarious and deep turn-of-phrase in discussing evil and history, as Daniel discusses some awkward conversations with Hollywood types oversimplifying race for financial purposes
At about 1:54:55, Daniel reads from the title story
At about 1:59:45, Pete wonders about future projects for Daniel
At about 2:02:00, Daniel talks about the events for the book’s launch, and discusses a nice pre-release review from Buzzfeed
You can now subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and leave me a five-star review. You can also ask for the podcast by name using Alexa, and find the pod on Stitcher, Spotify, and on Amazon Music. Follow me on IG, where I’m @chillsatwillpodcast, or on Twitter, where I’m @chillsatwillpo1. You can watch other episodes on YouTube-watch and subscribe to The Chills at Will Podcast Channel. Please subscribe to both my YouTube Channel and my podcast while you’re checking out this episode.
This is a passion project of mine, a DIY operation, and I’d love for your help in promoting what I’m convinced is a unique and spirited look at an often-ignored art form.
The intro song for The Chills at Will Podcast is “Wind Down” (Instrumental Version), and the other song played on this episode was “Hoops” (Instrumental)” by Matt Weidauer, and both songs are used through ArchesAudio.com.
Please tune in for Episode 107 with Dr. Benjamin Gilmer, a family medicine physician in Fletcher, North Carolina. He is an Albert Schweitzer Fellow for Life and associate professor in the department of family medicine at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine at Chapel Hill, and his new book, The Other Dr. Gilmer, is a heart wrenching true story, with part of the story covered in a 2013 "This American Life" episode that has more than 10 million views to date.
The episode airs on Thursday, March 3.

Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Episode 105 Notes and Links to Nikesha Elise Williams’ Work
On Episode 105 of The Chills at Will Podcast, Pete welcomes Nikesha Elise Williams, and the two discuss, among other things, her early aptitude for, and interest in, the written word, her varied and prolific reading habits, formative books and writers for her, her days as a television producer, her fantastic podcast and its seeds, and her prolific publishing history, with special emphasis on her award-winning Beyond Bourbon Street.
Nikesha Elise Williams is a two-time Emmy award winning producer, an award-winning author, and producer and host of the Black & Published podcast. Her latest novel, Beyond Bourbon Street, was awarded Best Fiction by the Black Caucus of African-American Librarians in the 2021 Self-Published eBook Literary Awards. It also received the 2020 Outstanding Book Award from the National Association of Black Journalists. Nikesha’s debut novel Four Women received the 2018 NABJ Outstanding Literary Work Award and the Florida Authors and Publisher’s Association President’s Award for Adult Contemporary/Literary Fiction. Nikesha is a Chicago native. She attended The Florida State University where she graduated with a B.S. in Communication: Mass Media Studies and Honors English Creative Writing. Nikesha writes full time with bylines in The Washington Post, ESSENCE, and VOX. She lives in Jacksonville, Florida with her family.
Nikesha Elise Williams' Website
Black and Published Podcast Home
At about 2:40, Elise talks about her early relationship with words, her home being full of books, and an inversion of preschool “nap time”
At about 3:55, Elise talks about a fateful and inspirational autograph signing with Connie Porter of the American Girls’ series
At about 5:20, Pete references the notes often found in used books
At about 7:05, Nikesha references Robert Jones, Jr.’s quest to buy first-editions of his favorite texts-here’s Nikesha’s episode with him!
At about 8:45, Nikesha talks about the vast swath of books she read as a kid, and the singular exuberance of the Scholastic Book Fair-she mentions reading above her grade level with John Grisham, Roots, and Eric Jerome Dickey, E. Lynn Harris, and Zane
At about 11:00, Pete and Nikesha talk about the powerful impact of reading Roots at young ages, and the need to re-read to take in the full experience and context
At about 13:05, Pete poses a tough question: Which is Nikesha’s favorite Toni Morrison book?
At about 14:50, Pete asks Nikesha about memorable reading from college and early adulthood, and then asks her the question she uses on her wonderful podcast: “When did you know you were a writer?” This brings up Nikesha’s kind words about the wonderful Eric Jerome Dickey and his encouragement
At about 17:00, Nikesha refers to important books for her, like TP Carter’s Lovestoned, Erica Simone Turnipseed’s A Love Noire, An American Marriage, and Deesha Philyaw’s short-story collection The Secret Lives of Church Ladies, and Heavy by Kiese Laymon
At about 18:35, Nikesha gives a highly-complimentary explanation of the greatness of The Secret Lives of Church Ladies
At about 21:35, Pete wonders about any career-starting moments and/or “ ‘Eureka’ moments”-Nikesha talks about doing early writing after entering the workforce
At about 24:10-26:35, Pete asks Nikesha about what she did as a television producer
At about 26:35, Nikesha responds to Pete’s questions about objectivity in news in the Age of Trump, and Nikesha recounts her memories of Election Night 2016
At about 31:00, Nikesha describes her writing for Essence and VOX
At about 32:45, Pete asks about seeds for the Black and Published Podcast and its serendipitous early days
At about 38:30, Pete wonders about Nikesha feeling represented in what she read-she points out Flyy Girl by Omar Tyree as a first
At about 42:00, Pete asks about positive feedback that Nikesha has recived, from both listeners and writers
At about 43:00, Nikesha describes the “journey” of Four Women and the excitement that came with its publication
At about 43:45, Pete inquires about the epigraph for Beyond Bourbon Street, and Nikesha talks about “living abundantly”
At about 48:10, Pete and Nikesha talk about the book’s beginnings and New Orleans as a “character” in the story
At about 53:00, Nikesha talks about how an early iteration of the book, and Pete and her reflect on the power of perspective that strengthens the book
At about 54:25, Pete asks about the main character Graigh and Bombei and their marriage issues
At about 57:40, Pete and Nikesha talk about sympathy and empathy as it is portrayed in the book
At about 58:45, Nikesha compliments her editor for helping her best involve thoughts in the book
At about 1:00:00, Pete outlines the ways in which “wanting to be seen and heard” intersects with history and personal stories
At about 1:01:31, Pete asks Nikesha about the writing of the sex scenes, and she connects her days in television with this writing
At about 1:04:00, Pete highlights some standout themes and writing and a key quote involving the burdens that women can carry
At about 1:07:20, Nikesha talks about her beloved grandparents and their connections to the book
At about 1:10:19, Nikesha reads from Chapter Four of Beyond Bourbon Street
At about 1:15:00, Pete stans over Nikesha’s usage of “Sisqo Blond"
At about 1:15:30, Nikesha gives out contact info and talks about future projects, inclusing an exciting one for LSU Press
You can now subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and leave me a five-star review. You can also ask for the podcast by name using Alexa, and find the pod on Stitcher, Spotify, and on Amazon Music. Follow me on IG, where I’m @chillsatwillpodcast, or on Twitter, where I’m @chillsatwillpo1. You can watch other episodes on YouTube-watch and subscribe to The Chills at Will Podcast Channel. Please subscribe to both my YouTube Channel and my podcast while you’re checking out this episode.
This is a passion project of mine, a DIY operation, and I’d love for your help in promoting what I’m convinced is a unique and spirited look at an often-ignored art form.
The intro song for The Chills at Will Podcast is “Wind Down” (Instrumental Version), and the other song played on this episode was “Hoops” (Instrumental)” by Matt Weidauer, and both songs are used through ArchesAudio.com.
Please tune in for Episode 106 with Daniel Olivas, Daniel Olivas, a second-generation Angeleno, is a playwright and the author of nine books including, most recently, The King of Lighting Fixtures: Stories and How to Date a Flying Mexican, a story collection published on February 22.
His first full-length play, Waiting for Godínez, was selected for the 2020 Playwrights’ Arena Summer Reading Series. Widely anthologized, he has also written for the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, El Paso Times, Jewish Journal, La Bloga, and many other print and online publications. By day, Olivas is an attorney in the Public Rights Division of the California Department of Justice.
This episode will air on March 1.

Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Episode 104 Notes and Links to Matt Bell’s Work
On Episode 104 of The Chills at Will Podcast, Pete welcomes Matt Bell, and the two discuss, among many other topics, his upbringing in semi-rural Michigan, his love of video games and fantasy, his skill in writing in different modes, and his blockbuster success Appleseed, with its myriad pertinent themes and its intricately-crafted narratives and allegorical greatness.
Matt Bell is the author most recently of the novel Appleseed (a New York Times Notable Book) published by Custom House in July 2021. His craft book Refuse to Be Done, a guide to novel writing, rewriting, and revision, will follow in early 2022 from Soho Press. He is also the author of the novels Scrapper and In the House upon the Dirt Between the Lake and the Woods, as well as the short story collection A Tree or a Person or a Wall, a non-fiction book about the classic video game Baldur's Gate II, and several other titles. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, Esquire, Tin House, Fairy Tale Review, American Short Fiction, Orion, and many other publications. A native of Michigan, he teaches creative writing at Arizona State University.
Book Recommendations from Matt Bell
New York Times Review of In the House upon the Dirt Between the Lake and the Woods
Alta Journal Review of Appleseed
The Brooklyn Rail Review of Appleseed
At about 2:00, Matt talks about the different ways of writing, editing, and publicizing books in the Covid era, noting that his newest book, Refuse to Be Done: How to Write and Rewrite a Novel in Three Drafts
At about 4:10, Matt details his childhood in rural Michigan and his relationship with reading and language
At about 6:15, Matt and Pete
At about 7:10, Matt describes the rural/urban combo in his writing
At about 9:10, Matt ponders whether his rural upbringing and reading fantasy, as well as ideas of what is “fantastical”
At about 10:35, Matt mentions formative books for him as an adolescent and college student, and how Fight Club led to other favorite writers as prescribed by Chuck Palahniuk, including Denis Johnson and Raymond Carver
At about 12:40, Matt sings the praises of The Intuitionist and John Henry Days by Colson Whitehead and inspiration for Appleseed
At about 14:30, Pete asks Matt about any “ ‘Eureka’ moments” in his path to becoming a professional writer; Matt cites a “poverty of examples”
At about 16:10, Matt describes the “different” feeling that came with an early short story and things started “clicking”
At about 17:30, Matt describes just a few contemporary writers who bring “thrills at will,” including Bryan Evenson, DeLillo, Anne Carson, Christine Schutt, Jeff Vandermeer, Laird Hunt, and Dana Spiotta
At about 18:30, Matt discusses reading a huge quantity of Ursula LeGuin while writing Appleseed
At about 20:00, Pete delivers some good news to Matt regarding his short story output, and Matt responds to Pete’s inquiries about Matt’s previous short story collection and early publications
At about 21:20, Matt talks about the connection between rural and vast landscapes and the themes of man’s relationship with nature from In the House… and other work of his
At about 22:10, Matt discusses differing views across the country of his book Scrapper as dystopian/realistic in various American locales
At about 24:25, Pete asks Matt about connections between Matt’s history of gaming and his writing, including his book Baldur’s Gate
At about 26:40, Matt talks about “writing with your whole self” and writing authentically for him
At about 27:40, Matt describes the copyediting process after Pete’s shouts out an atypical
At about 28:40, Pete asks about the finished feeling seeds for the book Appleseed, and the process of editing with great help from Kate Nintzel and Kirby Kim
At about 32:20-Matt describes inspiration and the impetus for writing his book came from faun myths, myths in general, Dionysus, etc.
At about 33:20-Pete makes Garcia Marquez comparisons with magical realism and the nonchalant and skillful ways in which fantasy is presented in Appleseed, and Matt discusses how myth and research came into play
At about 35:20- Matt talks about the ways in which the storylines developed and about the book as self-propelling
At about 36:30, Matt responds to Pete’s wondering about the balance between allegory and moralizing
At about 39:10, Matt and Pete discuss the three major storylines, and Matt responds to Pete’s questions about how he made the storylines congeal so nicely
At about 41:50, Matt discusses the essential Chapman storyline from Appleseed
At about 44:40, Matt analyzes Nathaniel, a main character from Appleseed, and his motivations
At about 46:45, Pete shouts out a wonderfully crafted scene and intricately-meaningful from the book
At about 47:20, Pete shouts out a beautiful fraternal relationship and asks Matt about his mindset in crafting the relationship and Matt cites how the faun allowed him freedom
At about 49:20, Matt discusses the John character from his book and themes of the balances between nature and technology, including a real life connection to a detail from the book
At about 52:00, Pete wonders if Yuri is representative of someone in particular
At about 53:00, Pete highlights themes of “collective memory” and learning from history, as seen through the futuristic storyline, and Matt and Pete discuss ideas of “fates” and “furies”
At about 54:30, Matt responds to questions around greater good, and if democracy is up for combating climate change
At about 55:35, Matt cites a quote and books from Derrick Jensen and his memorable A Language Older than Words amid constant questions and urges to act
At about 57:10, Pete mentions a real-time connection to the themes of the conversation
At about 58:10, Pete asks Matt about the ways and places in which the book is being taught, and Matt talks about “think[ing] on top of it/past it”
At about 59:00, Matt describes his latest project, coming out in March 2022, Refuse to Be Done: How to Write and Rewrite a Novel in Three Drafts, and how he goes about writing about writing; Pete and Matt also shout Matthew Salesses’ wonderful Craft in the Real World: Rethinking Fiction Writing and Workshopping
At about 1:02:30, Matt gives contact info and shouts out Changing Hands and Literati and Bookbug, and Snowbound as good independent places to buy his books
At about 1:03:45, Matt reads from Appleseed
You can now subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and leave me a five-star review. You can also ask for the podcast by name using Alexa, and find the pod on Stitcher, Spotify, and on Amazon Music. Follow me on IG, where I’m @chillsatwillpodcast, or on Twitter, where I’m @chillsatwillpo1. You can watch other episodes on YouTube-watch and subscribe to The Chills at Will Podcast Channel. Please subscribe to both my YouTube Channel and my podcast while you’re checking out this episode.
This is a passion project of mine, a DIY operation, and I’d love for your help in promoting what I’m convinced is a unique and spirited look at an often-ignored art form.
The intro song for The Chills at Will Podcast is “Wind Down” (Instrumental Version), and the other song played on this episode was “Hoops” (Instrumental)” by Matt Weidauer, and both songs are used through ArchesAudio.com.
Please tune in for the next episode, Episode 104 with Nikesha Elise Williams. Nikesha is a two-time Emmy award winning producer, an award-winning author, and producer and host of the Black & Published podcast. Nikesha writes full time with bylines in The Washington Post, ESSENCE, and VOX. She lives in Jacksonville, Florida with her family. The episode will air on February 22.

Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Episode 103 Notes and Links
On Episode 103 of The Chills at Will Podcast, Pete welcomes Tracey Thompson, a super reader, especially of short stories. The two discuss, among other things, indelible stories and her memories of their initial impact, the wondrous beauty of libraries, her writing music and theater criticism, her unabashed fandom of Shirley Jackson, and her quest to read a short story a day for her ‘California Reading” Project.
California Reading is written by Tracey Thompson. Tracey is a British expat living in Southern California with her daughter, husband, and books. Her daughter is named after her favorite Shirley Jackson character; can you guess which one it is?
In her twenty-year writing career, Tracey has written for various music magazines and theatre websites, but now prefers more sedate pleasures. And looser deadlines.
Since April 2018, Tracey has read a short story (almost) every day. You can follow her ever-growing list at https://california-reading.com/.
Tracey Thompson’s Website- “California Reading”
Tracey Thompson’s Short Story Tracker
Tracey Thompson's Goodreads Page
At about 2:05, Tracey discusses her reading interests and relationship to language as a kid, as well as an early formative reading experience with Roald Dahl’s “The Hitchhiker”
At about 7:00, Tracey talks about coming to books later in life after being recommended them earlier in life
At about 9:15, Tracey gives background on her writing about music and theater for Big Cheese Magazine
At about 12:15, Pete asks Tracey about criticism and the possibilities for the medium
At about 14:15, Pete wonders about Tracey’s reading and reviewing for pleasure versus for “work”
At about 17:10, Pete asks about Tracey’s reading tendencies before she started her short story reading quest
At about 18:05, Tracey responds to Pete’s asking about the genesis of her short story quest, and she shouts out her liberal usage of the fabulous library system
At about 20:40, Pete shouts out the Cerritos Library
At about 21:50, Tracey talks about electronic books versus physical books
At about 23:05, Tracey talks about her daily short story reading habits and shouts out Alison Rumfitt’s Tell Me I’m Worthless
At about 25:30, Pete and Tracey talk about short stories versus novels and their various charms
At about 27:05, Pete and Tracey geek out about the greatness of “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, as Pete tells his story of discovering the story later in life, and Tracey talks about being “hypnotized” by the story, as well as subsequent Jackson work
At about 30:40, Tracey details the underrated humor and lack of confidence that Shirley Jackson had in her life
At about 32:40, Tracey cites “The Old Man” by Daphne DuMaurier and Samantha Schweblin’s “Unstep” as unforgettable stories where she remembers where she was when she read them
At about 34:20, Tracey explains her reading journal’s “Saddest Short Story” citation, Malachi Whitaker’s “The Music Box,” brought back by Persephone Books
At about 36:10, Pete wonders if Tracey has a favorite genre
At about 39:00, Reading = self-care!
At about 39:45, Pete asks about George Saunders, and Tracey gives some feedback on his story collection
At about 41:25, Pete wonders if Tracey has any recs on quirky, unique, underrated writers; Tracey includes Camille Grudova, whose “Waxy” was the first story read for Tracey’s quest, Julie Armfield, and more
At about 43:15, Pete gives two recs-Louise Erdrich, particularly “The Red Convertible,” and Antonya Nelson’s In the Land of Men
At about 44:30, Tracey talks about Netgalley, Goodreads, and the “review culture”
At about 47:00, Tracey talks about literary journals and the myriad ways in which to support short story writers and get short stories
At about 48:25, Pete wonders about the future for the California Reading project
At about 50:00, Pete and Tracey talk about the particular challenges of shorter writing projects
At about 52:15, Tracey gives out her contact info/social media info
At about 53:10, Tracey describes her reading for the night: O, Caledonia by Elsbeth Barker
At about 54:10, Pete talks about The Great Gatsby’s more current iteration and his other reading
You can now subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and leave me a five-star review. You can also ask for the podcast by name using Alexa, and find the pod on Stitcher, Spotify, and on Amazon Music. Follow me on IG, where I’m @chillsatwillpodcast, or on Twitter, where I’m @chillsatwillpo1. You can watch other episodes on YouTube-watch and subscribe to The Chills at Will Podcast Channel. Please subscribe to both my YouTube Channel and my podcast while you’re checking out this episode.
This is a passion project of mine, a DIY operation, and I’d love for your help in promoting what I’m convinced is a unique and spirited look at an often-ignored art form.
The intro song for The Chills at Will Podcast is “Wind Down” (Instrumental Version), and the other song played on this episode was “Hoops” (Instrumental)” by Matt Weidauer, and both songs are used through ArchesAudio.com.
Please tune in for the next episode, Episode 104 with Matt Bell. Matt Bell is the author most recently of the novel Appleseed (a New York Times Notable Book) published by Custom House in July 2021. His craft book Refuse to Be Done, a guide to novel writing, rewriting, and revision, will follow in early 2022 from Soho Press. He is also the author of the novels Scrapper and In the House upon the Dirt Between the Lake and the Woods, as well as the short story collection A Tree or a Person or a Wall, a non-fiction book about the classic video game Baldur's Gate II, and several other titles. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, Esquire, Tin House, Fairy Tale Review, American Short Fiction, Orion, and many other publications. A native of Michigan, he teaches creative writing at Arizona State University. The episode with Matt will air on February 15.

Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Episode 102 Notes and Links to Tice Cin’s Work
On Episode 102 of The Chills at Will Podcast, Pete welcomes Tice Cin, and the two discuss a wide range of topics, from Tice’s youth in the warm and multilingual communities of north London to her love of music and its impact on her writing (as well as the reverse), to her artistic inspirations and muses (hint: Scorcese and Barry Jenkins are a few), her depictions of immigrant life, intergenerational trauma, cabbages (so cleverly and skillfully rendered in her writing!), and crime. The bulk of the conversation revolves around the exquisite pacing, structure, and understatement coupled with sheer beauty that propels her wonderful and unique Keeping the House.
Tice Cin is an interdisciplinary artist from north London. A London Writers Award-winner, her work has been published by Extra Teeth and Skin Deep and commissioned by places like Battersea Arts Centre and St Paul’s Cathedral. An alumnus of Barbican Young Poets, she now creates digital art as part of Design Yourself – a collective based at the Barbican Centre – exploring what it means to be human when technology is changing everything. A producer and DJ, she is releasing an EP, Keeping the House, to accompany her debut novel of the same name.
Buy Tice Cin's Keeping the House
Tice Cin's Keeping the House Playlist
Los Angeles Review of Books Review for Keeping the House
The Guardian Review for Keeping the House (called “a cult classic in the making”)
At about 1:25, Pete describes his perfect record in reading standout books published through And Other Stories, including Annie McDermott’s (Episode 91 guest) translation of Levrero.
At about 2:30, Pete asks Tice about growing up in North London, and she talks about gentrification’s role in her childhood environs, as well as her relationship with the Turkish and Turkish Cypriot languages
At about 4:45, Pete registers his awe that Tice has done such marvelous and critically-acclaimed work at such a young age, similar to S.E. Hinton and Christopher Paolini.
At about 5:35, Tice discusses how the Turkish Cypriot language informs the way she writes in English
At about 6:35, Pete and Tice discuss the skill and beauty of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, particularly with its Ibo proverbs, which helped inspire Tice to use proverbs and flowery language in her book
At about 7:10, Tice responds to Pete’s wondering about what she was reading as a kid and into high school; Tice talks about her different cultures and representation, including ways in which writers succeeded and didn’t succeed
At about 9:25, Tice explains how she looks back at some of what she read as a kid as “Orientalist,” including Dune
At about 11:20, Pete wonders about “those who got it right” and whose work spoke to Tice; she highlights Samuel Delaney and Octavia Butler
At about 12:45, Pete wonders what moment/s provided inspiration for Tice to become a writer-she cites J.G. Ballard’s work as one inspiration
At about 14:05, Pete asks Tice about her relationship with music, and how music informs her writing, and vice versa; she talks about battle raps/community, and more
At about 18:25-another “ATLiens” shout out! It’s at least the second-check out 40:00 in this episode with Alan Chazaro
At about 19:40, Tice talks about the varied music she listens to as she writes
At about 20:45, Tice details her path to becoming a “professional writer.”
At about 23:50, Tice talks about building her craft and style, and how she is influenced by Delaney, and made her work more “gully”
At about 26:30, Tice talks about contemporary work that thrills and energizes her, including fellow Tottenham-ite Derek Owusu's That Reminds Me
At about 27:15, Tice explains what she means that the book was written for the “under the kitchen table kids”
At about 29:45, Tice describes the variety of structures in the book and her structures
At about 32:25, Tice describes the “light blue” color she is chasing in charting particularly noir-ish part of her book
At about 33:15, Pete makes yet-another Henry Hill comparison in fleshing out Damla’s role as observer in Keeping the House, and the Scorcese talk moves onto The Irishman, as Pete gives kudos to Tice for her treatment of aging and guilt (or lack thereof) in her book
At about 36:30, Pete shouts out some memorable and skillful lines from Tice’s writing
At about 37:30, Tice describes the ways in which the pacing of her book was inspired by Moonlight and “the gentle eye of the director”
At about 40:25, Tice responds to Pete wondering about how she has been able to “say goodbye” to the characters from the book
At about 41:25, Pete inquires about Tice’s incredibly-creative and successful method of footnotes/side-notes, thanks to some great help from Alex the typesetter
At about 45:15, Tice speaks to Damla and the ways in which she was raised, in addition to the connections to the book’s title; Pete asks about a double/multiple meaning for “keeping the house”
At about 48:00, Pete and Tice discuss the idea that the women in the book are often cleaning up after men, in more ways than one, including the ways in which mother and daughter deal with stress/trauma
At about 51:00, Tice and Pete discuss themes of community in the book, and Pete asks Tice about her impressive lack of moralizing when writing about the drug trade; she references misunderstandings/misreadings of her book and shouts out fellow UK standout Graeme Armstrong and his ideas of “holding up a mirror to society”
At about 54:55, Pete and Tice enjoy the beautiful scene between Cemile and Damla and discuss Cemile’s role in the book; Pete wonders who Cemile is for Damla, and Tice discusses methods of coping
At about 58:15, the two discuss intergenerational trauma, and how the 1974 Cypriot civil war was a quiet but powerful specter over the story’s characters/events
At about 1:02:50, Tice discusses the myriad meanings of cabbage in her book and its symbolism
At about 1:03:35, Tice’s cat has entered the chat!
At about 1:06:20, Pete gives a prospective future blurb for
At about 1:06:50, Tice reads from the chapter “Ayla”
At about 1:12:45, Tice talks about interesting future projects
At about 1:16:50, Tice gives her social media information, including mentioning her new Tik Tok page
You can now subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and leave me a five-star review. You can also ask for the podcast by name using Alexa, and find the pod on Stitcher, Spotify, and on Amazon Music. Follow me on IG, where I’m @chillsatwillpodcast, or on Twitter, where I’m @chillsatwillpo1. You can watch other episodes on YouTube-watch and subscribe to The Chills at Will Podcast Channel. Please subscribe to both my YouTube Channel and my podcast while you’re checking out this episode.
This is a passion project of mine, a DIY operation, and I’d love for your help in promoting what I’m convinced is a unique and spirited look at an often-ignored art form.
The intro song for The Chills at Will Podcast is “Wind Down” (Instrumental Version), and the other song played on this episode was “Hoops” (Instrumental)” by Matt Weidauer, and both songs are used through ArchesAudio.com.
Please tune in for the next episode, Episode 103 with Tracey Thompson. Tracey is a woman after my own heart-a voracious reader of short stories, who has read a short story a day for over a year. The episode with Tracey will air on February 8.

Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Episode 101 Notes and Links to Mia St. John’s Work
On Episode 101 of The Chills at Will Podcast, Pete welcomes Mia St. John, and the two talk about her upbringing, being a victim of racism, her private battles as a youth and her moving around a lot as a youth, her resolve in becoming a world-champion boxer, how her childhood shaped her boxing prowess, the highs and lows of high-level boxing, and the grief and love she has experienced, especially in recent years, which she has channeled into in becoming an advocate for mental health. The two discuss these topics and more through the prism of her recently-published memoir, Fighting for my Life: A Memoir about A Mother’s Loss and Grief.
Mia St. John was born in San Francisco, California. Her fighting career started soon after, at the age of six, competing in Tae Kwon Do. Mia earned a black belt and received a Bachelors Degree in Psychology from California State University of Northridge in June of '94.
In 1996, Mia decided to pursue her true passion full-time, the sport of combat. Valentines Day, 1997, Mia made her pro-debut in boxing, knocking out her opponent in fifty-four seconds into the first round. Mia signed with Don King and stayed with him for a year and a half before she left King for his rival Bob Arum of Top Rank. At Top Rank, Mia spent four years opening for all of Oscar De La Hoya's major fights.
Mia has fought all over the world, including Beijing, China, where she won her IBA Championship. After accumulating an unheard of boxing record of nearly 60 pro fights, on June 14th, 2008, Mia fulfilled her dream of fighting in her mother's home country of Mexico. She fought one of the toughest fights of her career and became the WBC International Boxing Champion of the World at the age of 40.
In November of 2010, Rep. Grace F. Napolitano joined Mia and LA Laker Ron Artest for an official mental health and suicide prevention training at Napolitano’s district office in Santa Fe Springs. Artest and St. John have joined Napolitano to promote the Mental Health in Schools Act, legislation she authored which would increase federal funding for mental health therapists in schools.
She also spoke at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, where President Barack Obama made a riveting speech at the CHCI's annual Gala.
As well as Congress, Mia speaks in schools and juvenile halls on the importance of education and overcoming hardship. She speaks of her own battles with mental illness, addiction, poverty and overcoming it all, to become a three time international boxing champion.
On August 14th, 2012, Mia fought Christy Martin in a long awaited rematch. Her dream of sixteen years finally materialized and at the age of 45, she captured the WBC Super Welter Weight Championship of the World.
Buy Mia St. John's Fighting for My Life
Mia St. John's Personal Webpage
Support The Mia St. John Foundation
People Magazine Synopsis of Mia’s Memoir
At about 4:20, Mia talks about her mission in publishing her memoir
At about 4:55, Pete wonders and asks Mia a boxing question: How does someone train to get punched in the face?
At about 6:40, Mia references a synopsis of her memoir in People Magazine from Dec. 21, 2021
At about 7:20, Mia talks about her reasons and timing for her new book
At about 8:20, Pete asks Mia about the positive feedback-she cites so many notes from mothers-she has received for her memoir
At about 9:15, Mia talks about “seeds” for the book, explaining that its origins go back to childhood
At about 10:50, Pete refers to the opening of Mia’s book, and how a daily affirmation by Francisco “Panchito” Bojado affected and affects Mia
At about 11:50, Pete asks Mia about perspective and how years away from boxing have informed her book
At about 13:25, Mia talks about the “dark part of the soul” that was experienced in boxing and boxing in response to her tough upbringing
At about 14:55, Mia talks about her determination, as manifested in her boxing days, and in her response to the horrible
At about 15:50, Mia explains how her mother’s upbringing affected her later life, and the determination she inherited from her mother
At about 17:10, Mia describes the ways in which her father was a “functioning alcoholic”
At about 18:20, Mia details racist slurs and racism that she experienced growing up, and how sad it was that respect came with violence
At about 20:30, Mia responds to Pete’s question about how she was changed by moving around so often as a kid
At about 22:10, Mia responds to Pete’s question about what alcohol brought her as a young person who became addicted
At about 24:10, Pete asks Mia about her independent trip to live in CA after high school graduation, and Mia outlines her early days in the Los Angeles-area
At about 26:30, Pete inquires into her educational hard work and her choice to study psychology and about her initial time with Kristoff St. John
At about 28:05, Mia describes her early days in taekwondo, and how her mentor “Mr. V” showed such tough love and brought out the best in Mia
At about 29:00, Mia gives background on how she decided to turn pro in boxing
At about 30:00, Pete describes Mike Aspinwall’s description (at about 40:45 of this episode) of the adrenaline rush and feelings associated with his time on WWE, and then asks Mia to describe he feelings about entering the ring
At about 32:00, Mia describes her time with her mentor Art, an early boxing coach and Pete asks about how Mia is still inspired by him to this day
At about 33:10, Pete wonders about the “shady” nature of boxing that Mia learned about early on, and she describes the idea of the “tomato can”
At about 34:40, Pete wonders about the “solitude of boxing” that Mia describes in the book
At about 35:50, Pete asks Mia about her experience being featured in Playboy, which Mia describes as an overall great experience and how she came to be featured on the cover for the November 1999 issue
At about 36:55, Mia is asked to describe the incredible atmosp[here and feelings surrounding being on the undercard for the legendary Oscar de la Hoya vs. Julio Cesar Chavez 1998 fight
At about 39:10, Mia describes how she became a “boxer” under the tutelage of Fernardo Vargas’ team and left being a “fighter” in the past
At about 40:40, Mia talks about her relationship with and fights against Christy Martin, and she details her mindset and the moving end to their second fight
At about 43:00, Pete wonders what it was like for Mia after she retired
At about 44:15, Mia talks about her beautiful and sensitive son Julian and his brilliant art and her daughter, “a hero” to Mia, and how Julian’s schizophrenia manifested itself
At about 47:15, Mia talks about Julian’s legacy and his enduring art
At about 48:15, Mia talks about Stone Art and The Mia St. John Foundation (donate here) and their missions
At about 49:00, Mia talks about using her knowledge of mental health and mental health facilities to help others and change the system, including working with Grace Napolitano and Metta World Peace on The Mental Health in Schools Act
At about 50:45, Pete asks Mia about the tragic passing of her ex-husband and its connection to our mental health system
At about 52:00, Pete and Mia talk about her resolve and her family and friends who have helped her in these past years and Mia talks about her daily gratitude list
At about 54:10, Mia talks about her upcoming work, including working with homeless populations through Step Up
At about 55:00, Mia gives out contact information and thanks Elaine Aradillas and Post Hill Press for their help with the memoir
You can now subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and leave me a five-star review. You can also ask for the podcast by name using Alexa, and find the pod on Stitcher, Spotify, and on Amazon Music. Follow me on IG, where I’m @chillsatwillpodcast, or on Twitter, where I’m @chillsatwillpo1. You can watch other episodes on YouTube-watch and subscribe to The Chills at Will Podcast Channel. Please subscribe to both my YouTube Channel and my podcast while you’re checking out this episode.
This is a passion project of mine, a DIY operation, and I’d love for your help in promoting what I’m convinced is a unique and spirited look at an often-ignored art form.
The intro song for The Chills at Will Podcast is “Wind Down” (Instrumental Version), and the other song played on this episode was “Hoops” (Instrumental)” by Matt Weidauer, and both songs are used through ArchesAudio.com.
Please tune in for the next episode, Episode 102 with Tice Cin, who is an interdisciplinary artist from north London. A London Writers Award-winner, her work has been published by Extra Teeth and Skin Deep and commissioned by places like Battersea Arts Centre and St Paul’s Cathedral. An alumnus of Barbican Young Poets, she now creates digital art as part of Design Yourself – a collective based at the Barbican Centre – exploring what it means to be human when technology is changing everything. A producer and DJ, she is releasing an EP, Keeping the House, to accompany her debut novel of the same name.

Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Episode 100 Notes and Links to Susan Muaddi Darraj’s Work
On Episode 100 of The Chills at Will Podcast, Pete welcomes Susan Muaddi Darraj, and the two talk about their shared love for S.E. Hinton and public libraries, in addition to Susan’s history with language and words. They also discuss, among other topics, Susan’s versatile writing and knack for getting inside the heads of her characters and her reading public, her experience with Palestinan-American representation in literature, as well as her award-winning work for adults and middle-graders.
Susan Muaddi Darraj’s short story collection, A Curious Land: Stories from Home, was named the winner of the AWP Grace Paley Prize for Short Fiction, judged by Jaime Manrique. It also won the 2016 Arab American Book Award, a 2016 American Book Award, and was shortlisted for a Palestine Book Award. Her previous short story collection, The Inheritance of Exile, was published in 2007 by University of Notre Dame Press.
In 2018, she was named a Ford Fellow by USA Artists. Susan also is a two-time recipient of an Individual Artist Award from the Maryland State Arts Council. She has also been awarded a Ruby’s Artist Grant from the Greater Baltimore Cultural Alliance and a grant from the Sustainable Arts Foundation.
In 2019, she launched the viral #TweetYourThobe social media campaign to promote Palestinian culture. Later that year, she was named winner of the Rose Nader Award, by the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), an award given by the Nader family to a person who “demonstrates an unwavering dedication and commitment to values of equality and justice.”
In January 2020, Capstone Books launched her debut children’s chapter book series, Farah Rocks, about a smart, brave Palestinian American girl named Farah Hajjar.
Buy Susan Muaddi Darraj's Work
"Memory, home and belonging in 'A Curious Land' "
Susan Muaddi Darraj’s Articles for Middle East Eye
Necessary Fiction’s Review of A Curious Land: Stories from Home
At about 3:00, Pete asks Susan about her childhood relationship with language and reading
At about 8:45, Susan lists and describes some memorable books that have informed her work and that she loved as a kid
At about 10:20, Susan discusses representation and how she felt or didn’t feel represented as an adolescent and beyond; she also describes her groundbreaking series, Farah Rocks
At about 11:55, Susan discusses how “demoralizing” it was in not seeing her experience in what she read as a kid, and the implications of a pertinent quote from Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop
At about 13:20, Susan describes in late high school and college how Naomi Shihab Nye’s Habibi was shocking and transformative for her
At about 14:30, Pete references the Episode 94 kudos and appreciation for Naomi Shihab Nye
At about 15:45, Pete wonders about lack of representation or negative representation for Arab-Americans/Palestinians, and Susan details the negative stereotypes that often lead to/come from Aladdin
At about 18:55, Susan responds to Pete’s question about inspirations and “ “Eureka’ moments” that catapulted her writing career, and she cites writers like Sylvia Plath, bell hooks, James Baldwin, Toni Morrison, Sandra Cisneros, Isabel Allende, and more
At about 22:50, Pete inquires about Susan’s relationship with Richard Wright’s work
At about 23:55, Susan details her college experience and her parents’ view of her studies; she references common career expectations in Arab-American/immigrant communities and how she began to write as she taught literature
At about 28:30, Susan references #5amwritersclub and Maya Angelou’s philosophy about early morning writing
At about 29:35, Pete asks Susan about who she’s reading now; she shouts out S.K. Ali, Aisha Saeed, Hena Khan, and Saadia Faruqi
At about 31:00, Susan describes the excellence of poetry that draws her back, including T.S. Elliott’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”
At about 31:35, Pete wonders how being a successful published writer has affected the way she reads
At about 33:30, Susan talks about being “energized” by movies and TV and their structure and characterization
At about 35:10, Susan talks about the biographies for young readers she wrote for Chelsea House Publishing, as well as the phenomenon of “reluctant readers for preteen boys”
At about 37:50, Pete wonders about how Susan gets her work to the correct level for young readers
At about 38:40, Pete and Susan use S.E. Hinton’s work as an example of an impeccable sense of what young readers are drawn to; Pete talks about the chills that came with the cyclical nature of the book, and Susan is reminded of the iconic Theme for English B by Langston Hughes
At about 40:50, Pete recommends That Was Then, This is Now
At about 41:15, Susan gives some background on the title character’s name and significance for the Farah Rocks… Series, as well talking about her choices in translation
At about 45:00, Susan and Pete talk about ableism and “the new girl” as theme, as well as some subtle
At about 48:00, Susan talks about two upcoming projects
At about 48:40, Pete asks about the seeds for the book and the title of A Curious Land: Stories from Home, and Susan discusses the connection between the collection and her first book, The Inheritance of Exile: Stories from South Philly
At about 51:00, Susan discusses research done for A Curious Land: Stories from Home
At about 53:10, Pete wonders about any pressures Susan might feel in writing from the point-of-view of a member of the Palestianian diaspora, and in talking about her changing attitude regarding this, Susan quotes Jacqueline Woodson
At about 55:00, Pete asks Susan who else is “doing the work” in writing varied stories of the Palestinian community, including Eta Frum and Susan Abulhawa
At about 56:00, Susan gives background on the epigraphs for A Curious Land…
At about 58:00, Pete and Susan highlight the beginning of the collection in setting the scene for the thematically-linked collection and talk about themes of agency and women’s role in society, and sacrifice
At about 1:00:45, Pete asks Susan about her goal/rationale for using the town of the collection as a “character,” almost like Faulkner’s Yoknaptawpha County, including the effects of the Occupation
At about 1:03:00, Susan talks about the diversity of The Middle East and the ironies of people assuming that she needs to be taught about Christianity; she references an article on these misconceptions by Ryan al-Natour
At about 1:07:00, Susan describes a “family-tree effect” that she instituted for her collection
At about 1:08:30, Pete reads from a review of the collection
At about 1:10:00, Susan goes in-depth about upcoming projects
At about 1:13:25, Susan gives her contact info and social media info
You can now subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and leave me a five-star review. You can also ask for the podcast by name using Alexa, and find the pod on Stitcher, Spotify, and on Amazon Music. Follow me on IG, where I’m @chillsatwillpodcast, or on Twitter, where I’m @chillsatwillpo1. You can watch other episodes on YouTube-watch and subscribe to The Chills at Will Podcast Channel. Please subscribe to both my YouTube Channel and my podcast while you’re checking out this episode.
This is a passion project of mine, a DIY operation, and I’d love for your help in promoting what I’m convinced is a unique and spirited look at an often-ignored art form.
The intro song for The Chills at Will Podcast is “Wind Down” (Instrumental Version), and the other song played on this episode was “Hoops” (Instrumental)” by Matt Weidauer, and both songs are used through ArchesAudio.com.
Please tune in for the next episode, Episode 101 with Mia St. John, former five time world champion boxer and dedicated advocate for improved mental health facilities and care. She is the author of the recently-published Fighting For My Life: A Memoir about a Mother's Loss and Grief. The episode will air on January 25.

Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Episode 99 Notes and Links to Sara Borjas’ Work
On Episode 99 of The Chills at Will Podcast, Pete welcomes Sara Borjas, and the two talk about, among other topics, Sara’s relationship with language, bilingualism and identity, pochismo, formative and transformative writers and teachers, and themes and ideas from Sara’s standout collection, Heart Like a Window, Mouth Like a Cliff.
SARA BORJAS is a Xicanx pocha, is from the Americas before it was stolen and its people were colonized, and is a Fresno poet. George Floyd. Delaina Ashley Yaun Gonzalez. Lorenzo Perez. Xiaojie Tan. Say their names. Joyce Echaquan. Her debut collection of poetry, Heart Like a Window, Mouth Like a Cliff was published by Noemi Press in 2019 and won a 2020 American Book Award. Juanito Falcon. Breonna Taylor. Daoyou Feng. Elcias Hernandez-Ortiz. Sara was named one of Poets & Writers 2019 Debut Poets, is a 2017 CantoMundo Fellow, and the recipient of the 2014 Blue Mesa Poetry Prize. Hyun Jung Grant. Ahmaud Arbery. Suncha Kim. Her work can be found in Ploughshares, The Rumpus, Poem-a-Day by The Academy of American Poets, Alta and The Offing, amongst others. Sandra Bland. Soon Chung Park. Yong Ae Yue. She teaches innovative undergraduates at UC Riverside, believes that all Black lives matter and will resist white supremacy until Black liberation is realized, lives in Los Angeles, and stays rooted in Fresno. Say their names. Justice for George Floyd and the countless others. She digs oldiez, outer space, aromatics, and tiny prints, is about decentering whiteness in literature, creative writing, and daily life.
Buy Sara Borjas' Heart Like a Window, Mouth Like a Cliff
The Georgia Review Review of Heart Like a Window, Mouth Like a Cliff
“Pocha and Proud: An Interview with Sara Borjas” from Los Angeles Review of Books
At about 2:30, Sara talks about her relationship with language growing up, particularly her relationship with Spanish and bilingualism
At about 6:00, Sara explains the “pocho lecture” and how speaking Spanish was punished in her parents’ lives
At about 9:10, Pete asks Sara what she was reading as a kid, and if she “saw herself” in what she read
At about 11:10, Sara talks about her first exposure to writers of color, guided by Professors Alex Espinoza and Sameeta Najmee, and reading greats like Helena Maria Viramontes and Marisela Norte
At about 12:15, Pete and Sara talk about their shared admiration for Marisela Norte and Sara's work connecting to that of Moffat Takadiwa
At about 13:00, Sara talks about Tomás Rivera and his background and connections to UIC Riverside where she teaches
At about 14:00, Sara muses on the void that existed in her reading that “aligned with whiteness” and how it affected her
At about 15:50, Pete and Sara discuss “pocho” and its implications; Sara talks about reclaiming its meaning
At about 20:00, Sara describes the ways in which people of color, her parents included, have been innovative in escaping prejudice and oversimplified narratives
At about 20:45, Pete asks Sara about “pocho” in work that has come in recent years, including by innovators like Alan Chazaro, Episode 92 guest
At about 23:20, Sara shouts out writers who have and continue to have an effect on her through their chill-inducing work, including Marwa Helal, Aria Aber, Layli Long Soldier, Anthony Cody, Tongo Eisen-Martin, Roque Dalton, Bob Kaufman, Alejandra Pizarnik, and some standout students of hers
At about 26:25, Pete asks Sara how she explains to her students about “language to assert power,” including how Marwa Helal flips the script
At about 28:30, Pete wonders about Sara’s thoughts on “decoding” her poetry, and poetry “having one answers”
At about 31:30, Pete asks Sara about the idea of reciting poetry from memory, and she talks about the “power” that comes from memorizing, including how she talked to Tongo Eisen-Martin about memorization
At about 33:20, Sara describes how she grew into becoming a poet, including some incredible mentorship and encouragement from Juan Luis Guzmán, and transitions into ways in which she and other women have been made to feel like they need to be quiet
At about 37:30, Sara meditates on her evolving attitude towards her missions and work over the years
At about 39:10, Pete wonders how Sara seeks out and pumps up students who are like she was when she was in school
At about 41:50, Pete and Sara have a discussion about Sara’s ideas of prose and other formas, as done in Heart Like a Window, Mouth Like a Cliff; she also describes some probing and helpful questions from Carmen Gimenez Smith that led to writing ideas
At about 46:35, Sara details the inspiration she received from Anish Kapoor’s installation, and how it served as a muse for Sara’s poem “We are Too Big for This House”
At about 49:35, Pete asks Sara about poem titles and their connection to the poems themselves
At about 50:55, Sara gives her thoughts on translation in her poems
At about 52:20, Sara answers Pete’s question regarding if Sara is the narrator/protagonist of her poems
At about 53:50, Sara talks about the importance of creative expression and the power and beauty of poems, as exemplified by Michael Torres and The Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop
At about 55:20, Pete asks Sara about her collection using powerful words from Audre Lorde and Cherie Moraga as epigraphs
At about 59:00, Sara describes identity as seen in her work, including Aztlan’s significance in the collection’s first poem and in society as a whole; she describes it as a “marker” and a “tool for transformation”
At about 1:02:00, Pete recounts some brilliant and profound lines about identity from poems in the collection, including ones about women’s liberation
At about 1:04:45, Pete cites “Los de Abajo” and asks Sara about her ideas of rasquachismo and its importance in her work; she shouts out creative art as seen at Tío’s Tacos in Riverside
At about 1:06:55, Sara and Pete discuss the “mother and daughter’ relationships” as an overriding theme in her collection; Sara shouts out Rachel McKibbens as another inspiration
At about 1:10:20, Sara and Pete converse about intergenerational trauma and machismo in Sara’s work
At about 1:12:45, Pete wonders about Narcissus and the multiple appearances in Sara’s work; she mentions inspiration coming from a class taken with Reza Aslan
At about 1:16:10, Sara talks about conceptions of gender as seen in her work
At about 1:18:00, Sara gives background on “Mexican Bingo” and reads the poem
At about 1:22:30, Pete asks about Sara’s future projects, including her penchant for writing skits and music
At about 1:24:00, Sara gives out contact info and encourages people to buy her book from Noemi Press or on Bookshop
You can now subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and leave me a five-star review. You can also ask for the podcast by name using Alexa, and find the pod on Stitcher, Spotify, and on Amazon Music. Follow me on IG, where I’m @chillsatwillpodcast, or on Twitter, where I’m @chillsatwillpo1. You can watch other episodes on YouTube-watch and subscribe to The Chills at Will Podcast Channel. Please subscribe to both my YouTube Channel and my podcast while you’re checking out this episode.
This is a passion project of mine, a DIY operation, and I’d love for your help in promoting what I’m convinced is a unique and spirited look at an often-ignored art form.
The intro song for The Chills at Will Podcast is “Wind Down” (Instrumental Version), and the other song played on this episode was “Hoops” (Instrumental)” by Matt Weidauer, and both songs are used through ArchesAudio.com.
You can now subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and leave me a five-star review. You can also ask for the podcast by name using Alexa, and find the pod on Stitcher, Spotify, and on Amazon Music. Follow me on IG, where I’m @chillsatwillpodcast, or on Twitter, where I’m @chillsatwillpo1. You can watch other episodes on YouTube-watch and subscribe to The Chills at Will Podcast Channel. Please subscribe to both my YouTube Channel and my podcast while you’re checking out this episode.
This is a passion project of mine, a DIY operation, and I’d love for your help in promoting what I’m convinced is a unique and spirited look at an often-ignored art form.
The intro song for The Chills at Will Podcast is “Wind Down” (Instrumental Version), and the other song played on this episode was “Hoops” (Instrumental)” by Matt Weidauer, and both songs are used through ArchesAudio.com.
I’m looking forward to sharing Episode 100 (WHOA) with Susan Muaddi Darraj, teacher, writer of the groundbreaking Farrah Rocks middle-grade series, and winner of the AWP Grace Paley Prize for Short Fiction. The episode airs on January 17.

Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Episode 98 Notes and Links to Greg Bishop’s Work
On Episode 98 of The Chills at Will Podcast, Pete welcomes Greg Bishop, disciplined and voracious reader and writer of all types of articles that are about sports and so much more. The two talk about, among other topics, Greg’s early love of reading, his disciplined and careful reading for his work, his mentor, Gay Talese, his work on Manny Pacquaio, Dak Prescott, and so many more personalities, as well as the current state of high-impact sports like boxing and football.
Greg Bishop is a senior writer for Sports Illustrated whose feature subjects have ranged from Ricky Williams to Adrian Peterson to Aaron Rodgers. He spent time as the Jets beat writer for the New York Times and the Seahawks beat writer for the Seattle Times.
Buy Talking to Goats: The Moments You Remember and the Stories You Never Heard
"Xavien Howard’s 10 Picks: The Perfection of His Craft"
("Roger Federer Finds a Higher Level as Other Stars Fall" and "Federer Exerts His Power From the Ground Up") from The New York Times
Greg Bishop's Articles for Sports Illustrated
At about 1:40, Pete asks Greg about his relationship with language and reading as he grew up
At about 6:30, Greg outlines his daily reading process and how he comes up with story ideas, including his reading, both within his writing subject matter and without-some on his current reading list include Ryan Holiday’s work and Jake Fischer’s Built to Lose
At about 11:40, Greg shows and describes his reading plans as laid out in his office
At about 12:30, Greg details his nightly reading routine with his son
At about 13:10, Greg discusses his early reading interests, including Maraniss’ Lombardi, To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Tender Bar: A Memoir
At about 14:50, Greg gives background on his mentorship from, and friendship with, Gay Talese
At about 16:40, Pete talks about his connection to Gay Talese’s work
At about 17:45, Pete and Greg nerd out over Gay Talese’s iconic pieces on Frank Sinatra and Joe DiMaggio as Greg talks about Talese’s writing process and aesthetic
At about 21:45, Pete uses the metaphors of aging dealt with in Talese’s work to transition into Greg’s writing about Manny Pacquaio through the years
At about 23:50, Greg lays out his ethic in reporting on athletes, including his view on befriending writing subjects
At about 26:10, Greg responds to Pete’s questions about Pacquaio’s current standing in the Philippines, including his chances in the upcoming presidential election
At about 30:00, Pete and Greg nerd out again-this time about Roger Federer, especially as written about by David Foster Wallace-Greg also talks about two ("Roger Federer Finds a Higher Level as Other Stars Fall"/"Federer Exerts His Power From the Ground Up") favorite articles he wrote about Federer
At about 33:15, Greg breaks down the ratio of articles he writes, with regards to “human interest stories” and others; he highlights an article he wrote about athletes and their relationships with law enforcement in 2020 with Michael Rosenberg, as well as an article with Ben Baskin looking at the money donated by Colin Kaepernick
At about 37:15, Greg analyzes his own view of “human interest stories”
At about 38:40, Pete and Greg discuss Greg’s important work about Dak Prescott that dealt with, among other things, mental health; additionally, Greg talks about his relationship with Dak and other athletes, post-article
At about 45:00, Greg talks about five tenets he uses in moving through life
At about 46:40, Pete shouts out Mirin Fader’s Giannis and Pete talks about the “Mirin Fader Blessing”
At about 48:10, Greg describes the landscape in publishing in 2021, with its fraught situation, as well as his specific situation writing for Sports Illustrated
At about 53:45, Pete wonders if there are any genres/writing types that the multitalented Greg avoids/isn’t cut out for
At about 54:50, Greg outlines a “Football in America” 2016 article series and his short lived music career
At about 58:45, Pete and Greg discuss the state of the NFL, particularly with regards to concussions, CTE, and the state of football overall; Greg talks about his personal conflict in following boxing and football, inherently violent sports
At about 1:06:15, Pete talks about the crushing blow that was the death by suicide of Junior Seau, and Greg lays out his history with the tragic death of Seau
At about 1:08:35, Greg talks about upcoming projects of his
At about 1:09:00, Greg talks about his SÍ cover collection
At about 1:10:10, Greg gives out his contact info and shouts out Showtime All-Access, and his work with Jim Gray for Talking to GOATs-buy his work at Powell’s in Portland or The Strand in NYC
You can now subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and leave me a five-star review. You can also ask for the podcast by name using Alexa, and find the pod on Stitcher, Spotify, and on Amazon Music. Follow me on IG, where I’m @chillsatwillpodcast, or on Twitter, where I’m @chillsatwillpo1. You can watch this and other episodes on YouTube-watch and subscribe to The Chills at Will Podcast Channel. Please subscribe to both my YouTube Channel and my podcast while you’re checking out this episode.
This is a passion project of mine, a DIY operation, and I’d love for your help in promoting what I’m convinced is a unique and spirited look at an often-ignored art form.
The intro song for The Chills at Will Podcast is “Wind Down” (Instrumental Version), and the other song played on this episode was “Hoops” (Instrumental)” by Matt Weidauer, and both songs are used through ArchesAudio.com.
Please tune in for the next episode, a conversation with Sara Borjas. SARA BORJAS is a Xicanx pocha, is from the Americas before it was stolen and its people were colonized, and is a Fresno poet. Her debut collection of poetry, Heart Like a Window, Mouth Like a Cliff was published by Noemi Press in 2019 and won a 2020 American Book Award. Sara was named one of Poets & Writers 2019 Debut Poets, is a 2017 CantoMundo Fellow, and the recipient of the 2014 Blue Mesa Poetry Prize. She teaches innovative undergraduates at UC Riverside, believes that all Black lives matter and will resist white supremacy until Black liberation is realized, lives in Los Angeles, and stays rooted in Fresno. The episode with Sara Borjas will air on January 11.

Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Episode 97 Notes and Links to Kyle Beachy’s Work
On Episode 97 of The Chills at Will Podcast, Pete welcomes Kyle Beachy, and the two talk about impactful childhood and adolescent experiences, both recreationally and involving reading, his formational days at the university school paper, his meeting with David Foster Wallace and his relationship to the latter’s work, his first novel, Slide, the myriad intricacies of skateboarding culture and its evolution, and existential questions that govern the critically-acclaimed The Most Fun Thing.
Kyle Beachy‘s first novel, The Slide (Dial Press, 2009), won The Chicago Reader’s Best Book by a Chicago Author reader’s choice award for the year. His short fiction has appeared in journals including Fanzine, Pank, Hobart, Juked, The Collagist, 5 Chapters, and others. His writing on skateboarding has appeared in The Point, The American Reader, The Chicagoan, Free Skateboard Magazine (UK & Europe), The Skateboard Mag (US), Jenkem, Deadspin, and The Classical. He teaches at Roosevelt University in Chicago and is a co-host on the skateboarding podcast Vent City with pro skater Ryan Lay and others. His newest book was released in 2021 to rave reviews-the book is The Most Fun Thing: Dispatches from a Skating Life.
Chicago Reader Review of Kyle’s The Most Fun Thing
“A Interview with Kyle Beachy”-regarding Slide -from 2009-Hobart Pulp
At about 2:20, Pete and Kyle jump right into the important topics: Was the remix better than the original for “Flava in Ya Ear”
At about 4:00, Kyle responds to Pete’s questions about his early relationship with reading and language
At about 7:00, Pete asks Kyle about the balance between the philosophical and the realistic as he got into adolescence, and Kyle responds with how these ideas impacted him and his reading/skating
At about 10:00, Kyle discusses his attitude toward realism and how it plays out (or doesn’t) in his writing process
At about 12:30, Pete wonders about any “ ‘Eureka’ moments” in Kyle becoming a writer, and he references his incredible Pomona College student newspaper editor, David Roth, as well as Kyle’s embrace of 90s hip hop styles
At about 16:00, Pete wonders about chill-inducing writers for Kyle, who shouts his “ravenous” reading after college, including John Barth, Murakami, Denis Johnson, David Foster Wallace, and Don DeLillo; later reading brought out Joan Didion, Marilyn Robinson, Annie Dillard
At about 19:00, Kyle details his career as a professor/teacher, and Pete and Kyle wax nostalgic about being “young, cool teachers”
At about 21:00, Kyle talks about how he does (or does not) use skateboarding and his personal experience in the classroom
At about 24:45, Pete wonders how Kyle would identify himself-as a “novelist?”
At about 26:50, Kyle summarizes and discusses seeds for his first book, Slide, including how Jonathan Franzen’s The Corrections informed the work
At about 30:00, Pete and Kyle begin talking about Kyle’s recent critically-acclaimed The Most Fun, and Kyle shouts out texts that informed his, like Iain Borden’s Skateboarding and the City
At about 33:45, Kyle explains his understanding of why skateboarding hasn’t necessarily been “put under the microscope” too often before
At about 35:30, Kyle discusses exciting and fast-moving changes in the last decade in skateboarding scholarship
At about 36:20, Pete compliments the book as “unclassifiable” and masterful in so many ways, and Kyle responds by talking about the particular challenges of writing about skateboarding
At about 40:15, Pete shouts out Kyle’s thoughtful comments as shared on the excellent writer’s podcast, “I’m a Writer But…”
At about 41:55, Kyle muses about what skateboarding is and what it isn’t, as described through the book
At about 45:00, Pete shouts out one of many skillful lines from Kyle’s book, and Pete details his first (and only) skateboarding incident; this
At about 49:30, Pete asks Kyle about the word at the center of his book title, as well as parallels between David Foster Wallace’s work, Infinite Jest, and Kyle’s recent work
At about 50:50, Kyle details the time he met David Foster Wallace
At about 53:25, Pete and Kyle nerd out over one of DFW’s pieces, “The View from Mrs. Thompson’s,” as well as the stunningly-good “A Supposedly Fun Thing…”
At about 56:20, Pete shares a chill-inducing final line from Wallace’s work
At about 57:00, Kyle discusses the troublesome fandom of “Wallaceheads” and how he endeavors to “foreground” the info when discussing Wallace’s work in his classes
At about 58:50, Pete recounts a profound quote from Kyle’s book involving his meeting DFW, and Kyle explains his usage of “equipped” and the “real costs” that can come with the writing life
At about 1:00:15, Kyle shouts out great storytellers like Danny Khalastchi
At about 1:02:00, Pete and Kyle recount examples of writers (like Kyle) who actually have fun writing, and Pete asks Kyle if he can detect writers (he notes Anne Carson and Christian TeBordo) who have a good time
At about 1:05:00, Kyle discusses the ever-evolving balance needed to figure out competitiveness in his writing life
At about 1:06:15 Pete asks Kyle about nostalgia in skateboarding and the balance between celebrating history while being open to new developments
At about 1:12:00, Pete and Kyle discuss the evolving demographics of skateboarding, the furor over Jason Jessee’s racist comments, and Kyle’s written response
At about 1:13:30, Kyle discusses the evolving and more inclusive skateboarding culture of the last ten years or so, including Chandler Burton and Matt King’s important work
At about 1:17:20, Kyle responds to Pete’s musings about hip hop culture and possible appropriation by skateboarding
At about 1:18:15, Pete asks Kyle about his skating “end date” and its implications
At about 1:21:15, Pete reads some masterful and profound lines from the book
You can now subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and leave me a five-star review. You can also ask for the podcast by name using Alexa, and find the pod on Stitcher, Spotify, and on Amazon Music. Follow me on IG, where I’m @chillsatwillpodcast, or on Twitter, where I’m @chillsatwillpo1. You can watch this and other episodes on YouTube-watch and subscribe to The Chills at Will Podcast Channel. Please subscribe to both my YouTube Channel and my podcast while you’re checking out this episode.
This is a passion project of mine, a DIY operation, and I’d love for your help in promoting what I’m convinced is a unique and spirited look at an often-ignored art form.
The intro song for The Chills at Will Podcast is “Wind Down” (Instrumental Version), and the other song played on this episode was “Hoops” (Instrumental)” by Matt Weidauer, and both songs are used through ArchesAudio.com.
Pete is excited to share Episode 98 on January 4, with guest Greg Bishop. Greg is a senior writer for Sports Illustrated whose feature subjects have ranged from Ricky Williams to Adrian Peterson to Aaron Rodgers. He spent time as the Jets beat writer for the New York Times and the Seahawks beat writer for the Seattle Times.

Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Episode 96 Notes and Links to Frank Guridy’s Work
On Episode 96 of The Chills at Will Podcast, Pete welcomes Dr. Frank A. Guridy, and the two discuss, among other topics, his childhood in New York City and his early love of history, fostered by his parents and directly and indirectly based on his family’s immigration stories, his early and lasting introductions to influential writers and professors, as well as his book on African diasporas and connections to Cuba. The two spend the bulk of the interview discussing Frank’s latest book on Texas and its “sports revolution.”
Frank A. Guridy specializes in sport history, urban history, and the history of American social movements. His recent book, The Sports Revolution: How Texas Changed the Culture of American Athletics (University of Texas Press, 2021) explores how Texas-based sports entrepreneurs and athletes from marginalized backgrounds transformed American sporting culture during the 1960s and 1970s, the highpoint of the Black Freedom and Second-Wave feminist movements. His first book, Forging Diaspora: Afro-Cubans and African Americans in a World of Empire and Jim Crow (University of North Carolina Press, 2010), won the Elsa Goveia Book Prize from the Association of Caribbean Historians and the Wesley-Logan Book Prize, conferred by the American Historical Association. He is also the co-editor of Beyond el Barrio: Everyday Life in Latino/a America (NYU Press, 2010), with Gina Pérez and Adrian Burgos, Jr. His articles have appeared in Kalfou, Radical History Review, Caribbean Studies, Social Text, and Cuban Studies. His fellowships and awards include the Scholar in Residence Fellowship at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture and the Ray A. Billington Professorship in American History at Occidental College and the Huntington Library. He is also an award-winning teacher, receiving the Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award from the University of Texas at Austin, and, more recently, the Mark Van Doren Award for Teaching at Columbia. His current book project, Between Conflict and Community: The Stadium in American Life, tells the story of the American stadium as a community institution that has been a battleground for social justice since its inception.
Frank Guridy's Columbia University Home Page
Review of Forging Diaspora: Afro-Cubans and African Americans in a World of Empire and Jim Crow
Kirkus’ Reviews Review for THE SPORTS REVOLUTION:
At about 2:50, Frank talks about his early relationship with languages, his parents as immigrants and/or bilingual and symbolism-as seen through reading and listening to The Bible
At about 8:10, Frank talks about the “Trujillo legacy as profound” in his family, as well as how his family’s history impacted his decision to become a historian
At about 10:00, Pete and Frank talk about historical traumas and troubles in reconstructing some histories, and the two discuss infamous incidents in Trujillo’s dictatorship, including the pivotal word “perejil”
At about 13:05, Frank responds to Pete’s question about his early reading habits; Frank describes an early penchant for nonfiction/history, including sports biographies-Giant Steps by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was one that “really spoke to [him]”
At about 16:35, Frank describes the unique and impressive reading culture of New York City, as well as how the subway served as a microcosm of NYC life-Frank calls it a “great place of learning”
At about 18:30, Pete wonders about any moments of discovery for Frank as he became someone who would read and write and study history for a living
At about 20:20, Frank recounts Horace Campbell’s intriguing and creative teaching that involved Rastafarianism and pulled Frank in as a future historian; he also cites other inspiring works from Angela Davis, Walter Rodney, C.L.R. James, and many others
At about 23:15, Frank explains his understanding of Bob Marley and Rastafarianism and the religious symbolism and history of the music and the cultures
At about 25:00, Pete asks about Frank’s ideas of representation in what he read from childhood into college
At about 27:55, Pete asks about Frank’s take on “publish or perish” in 2021
At about 31:00, Pete asks about the “seeds” for his first book, Forging Diaspora: Afro-Cubans and African Americans in a World of Empire and Jim Crow
At about 35:00, Frank gives background on the term “diaspora” and its connection to his work
At about 37:30, Frank talks about how sports advanced the end of the color line in baseball and other sports, with a particular focus on Cuba and the Caribbean; he also shouts out Adrian Burgos’ Cuban Star
At about 41:10, Pete wonders about the genesis of his latest book, The Sports Revolution: How Texas Changed the Culture of American Athletics
At about 46:00, Pete notes how the book’s form, in eight chapters, is reminiscent of Sam Quinones’ True Tales from Another México in its scope and cohesiveness
At about 46:40, Pete uses the book’s opening as a springboard
At about 47:30, Frank discusses some ideas of the book’s thesis including the book’s first chapter, which deals with early integration
At about 49:30, Frank responds to Pete’s question about motives for integration among Houston and Texas’ sports teams, drawing on history and contemporary connections
At about 52:50, Pete and Frank discuss the unfair and outsized expectations, burdens, and consequences for the “first” to integrate-Jackie Robinson, for one, and Jerry LeVias of SMU, “who lost the ability to feel” (watch the moving video interview here)
At about 56:20, Pete notes the intriguing stories told in the book about the Baseline Bums of the 1970s San Antonio Spurs and the incredibly-underpaid Cowboys’ Cheerleaders
At about 57:40, Frank discusses Bobby Riggs and the famous (infamous?) “Battle of the Sexes” tennis match, including the cigarette industry’s involvement, and innovators and visionaries like Gladys Heldman
At about 1:02:10, Pete and Frank discuss the importance of Houston and Phi Slamma Jamma’s impact and the book’s Epilogue, as the revolution was “undone,” particularly by business interests
At about 1:04:40, Frank explains a mission of his in writing the book: giving a more well-rounded and nuanced view of Texas
At about 1:05:35, Pete outlines an powerful essay, written by Dan Treadway, and that Pete has taught in his English classroom, that juxtaposes The University of Texas’ Asian Studies Program and its football program
At about 1:07:35, Frank discusses his upcoming book on the importance of stadiums in society, to be published by Basic Books
At about 1:09:00, Frank gives out his contact info
You can now subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and leave me a five-star review. You can also ask for the podcast by name using Alexa, and find the pod on Stitcher, Spotify, and on Amazon Music. Follow me on IG, where I’m @chillsatwillpodcast, or on Twitter, where I’m @chillsatwillpo1. You can watch this and other episodes on YouTube-watch and subscribe to The Chills at Will Podcast Channel. Please subscribe to both my YouTube Channel and my podcast while you’re checking out this episode.
This is a passion project of mine, a DIY operation, and I’d love for your help in promoting what I’m convinced is a unique and spirited look at an often-ignored art form.
The intro song for The Chills at Will Podcast is “Wind Down” (Instrumental Version), and the other song played on this episode was “Hoops” (Instrumental)” by Matt Weidauer, and both songs are used through ArchesAudio.com.
Please tune in for the next episode, a conversation with Kyle Beachy. Kyle Beachy‘s first novel, The Slide (Dial Press, 2009), won The Chicago Reader’s Best Book by a Chicago Author reader’s choice award for the year. His short fiction has appeared in journals including Fanzine, Pank, Hobart, Juked, The Collagist, 5 Chapters, and others. His writing on skateboarding has appeared in The Point, The American Reader, The Chicagoan, Free Skateboard Magazine (UK & Europe), The Skateboard Mag (US), Jenkem, Deadspin, and The Classical. He teaches at Roosevelt University in Chicago and is a co-host on the skateboarding podcast Vent City with pro skater Ryan Lay and others. His newest book was released in 2021 to rave reviews-the book is The Most Fun Thing: Dispatches from a Skating Life. The episode with Kyle Beachy will air on December 28.

Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Episode 95 Notes and Links to Diana Lopez’s Work
On Episode 95 of The Chills at Will Podcast, Pete welcomes Diana Lopez, and the two discuss, among other things, ideas of representation in literature, Diana’s mentors in her writing life, the cooperative world of children’s literature, and her most recent work which has dealt with real-world issues, movie legends, and the force of nature that was Selena Quintanilla.
Diana Lopez is the author of the adult novella, Sofia's Saints, and numerous middle grade novels, including Confetti Girl, Nothing Up My Sleeve, and Lucky Luna. Her debut picture book is now available and is called Sing With Me: The Story of Selena Quintanilla. She also wrote the novel adaptation for the Disney/Pixar film, Coco. Diana retired after a 28-year career in education at both the middle grade and college levels. Her "second act" day job is helping her husband in his physical therapy clinic, FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Center, located in her hometown of Corpus Christi, Texas, but she still enjoys meeting with students when she visits schools to chat about books and writing.
Article from Texas Monthly about Diana’s Early Work
"Texas Author Invites Children to Sing with Selena" from Houston Press
"Alumna and author of Pixar’s 'Coco' novel inspires readers with inclusive storytelling" from The University Star
At about 2:20, Diana talks about her relationship with language and reading as a kid, including a love of Scholastic book fairs and World Book Encyclopedia
At about 4:50, Diana talks about her reading habits and lists from her high school and undergrad days
At about 6:15, Diana responds to Pete’s question about Diana feeling represented in the book, including a telling quote from Walter Dean Myers
At about 8:20, Diana talks about her mission in writing
At about 9:25, Pete asks Diana about writers who have thrilled her, including Willa Cather and Margaret Atwood
At about 11:05, Diana talks about her time at Texas State University in its MFA Program, and great guidance provided by Dagoberto Gilb; Pete shouts out a memorable Gilb piece
At about 13:00, Pete wonders about competition and a supportive writing community based on Diana’s experience
At about 14:20, Pete wonders about Diana’s path to becoming a professional writer
At about 17:45, Pete asks Diana about her first published works, and Diana talks about her thesis that became Sofia’s Saints
At about 21:15, Diana talks about her MFA emphasis and other early writing that hasn’t been published, as well as an impetus for her book Confetti Girl
At about 23:15, Pete and Diana talk about whether writing is ever a “waste” if it doesn’t “go anywhere” or get published
At about 25:05, Diana talks about former students who have read her books and her love of writing with her students
At about 27:25, Diana compares herself to her books’ characters, including pinpointing two big connections between her and the title character of Lucky Luna, including their relationships to bilingualism and their many primas
At about 30:15, Diana summarizes Lucky Luna
At about 32:00, Pete and Diana enjoy the sayings given by Luna’s grandmother and discuss multiple
At about 33:20, Diana reads from the chapter called “La Luna” from Lucky Luna
At about 36:00, Pete and Diana discuss the excerpt, including poliosis that Luna struggles with and its inspiration in Diana’s childhood
At about 38:25, Pete tells a story of when overanalysis goes wrong, regarding Reyna Grande’s Across a Hundred Mountains
At about 40:10, Diana responds to Pete’s question about how she does “focus groups” for her middle-grade writing
At about 42:45, Diana reveals her NBA allegiance
At about 43:05, Diana explains how she got involved in writing the Coco book adaptation, including an interesting reminder about early controversies, including Lalo Alcaraz’s role in reminding Disney of the importance of getting the film’s cultural background correct
At about 47:00, Diana discusses the fun and challenges of the book
At about 48:25, Pete asks Diana about her creative process and how much creative license she had for writing her book based on Coco
At about 52:00, Pete wonders about Diana’s treatment of Miguel, and she responds with interesting points on point-of-view
At about 55:00, Pete and Diana talk about Coco’s storyline and the importance of the family tree that is in the beginning and end of the book
At about 57:40, Diana tells the incredible saga of the physical books for Sing with Me: The Selena Quintanilla Story, including some nautical problems
At about 59:50, Diana details the continuing allure of Selena in Texas and beyond, as evidenced by one of the many beautiful pieces of art by illustrator Teresa Martinez, as well as how the two worked together to get big and small details correct
At about 1:05:05, Pete inquires as to Diana’s decision-making with the unique way in which she included Selena’s tragic death and how her legacy has unfolded since, in her book
At about 1:08:20, Diana details the most refreshing and edifying feedback she gets on her books
At about 1:10:10, Diana talks about her upcoming project, including a “magical” book coming out with Coquina Press
At 1:13:40, Diana gives her contact info
You can now subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and leave me a five-star review. You can also ask for the podcast by name using Alexa, and find the pod on Stitcher, Spotify, and on Amazon Music. Follow me on IG, where I’m @chillsatwillpodcast, or on Twitter, where I’m @chillsatwillpo1. You can watch this and other episodes on YouTube-watch and subscribe to The Chills at Will Podcast Channel. Please subscribe to both my YouTube Channel and my podcast while you’re checking out this episode.
This is a passion project of mine, a DIY operation, and I’d love for your help in promoting what I’m convinced is a unique and spirited look at an often-ignored art form.
The intro song for The Chills at Will Podcast is “Wind Down” (Instrumental Version), and the other song played on this episode was “Hoops” (Instrumental)” by Matt Weidauer, and both songs are used through ArchesAudio.com.
Please tune in for the next episode, a conversation with Frank Guridy. Frank A. Guridy specializes in sport history, urban history, and the history of American social movements. His recent book, The Sports Revolution: How Texas Changed the Culture of American Athletics (University of Texas Press, 2021) explores how Texas-based sports entrepreneurs and athletes from marginalized backgrounds transformed American sporting culture during the 1960s and 1970s, the highpoint of the Black Freedom and Second-Wave feminist movements. His first book, Forging Diaspora: Afro-Cubans and African Americans in a World of Empire and Jim Crow (University of North Carolina Press, 2010), won the Elsa Goveia Book Prize from the Association of Caribbean Historians and the Wesley-Logan Book Prize, conferred by the American Historical Association. The episode with Frank Guridy will air on December 21.